Welcome to tuer furniture co., LTD.
Tuer ● product
To join the Tours home for several years, the past few years, the sales of products in the city has been good, the benefits of getting bigger, it should be grateful to the support of Tours home and help, Tuer home mattress quality has been very good, , Craftsmanship, by many consumers love and recognition, the product is good, we will naturally improve the benefits, during which time Tuer home help me solve many problems, very grateful to Tours home!
Copyright: foshan tuer furniture co. LTD
Tel:86-757-23632775/86-757-23635702 Fax:86-757-23631544 Contact:Mr.liang
Add:No. 16, sanlian road, wanggang industrial zone, longjiang town, shunde district, foshan city
*The website and related resources of this website are all sourced from the Internet. Please inform us if you have any infringement*
Main business: small American soft bed, modern fashion leisure soft bed, small north European soft bed, mattress